Monday, October 17, 2011

The World Needs More Good Old Fashioned Debates

Correct me if I am wrong, but I feel like what the world is in major need of is more good old fashioned debates. I feel like lately, whether it be in person or in the Lush forums, what used to be debates has now become straight up arguments. When two people of different opinions meet there is no longer the process of taking turns to present what you believe and why you believe what you believe, then allowing the other side to present their beliefs. I feel like each time I see or hear a debate beginning, it somehow becomes extremely personal as people get pissed off and take it extremely personal as each side begins to insult the other side. In a true debate, there would be no blatant personal attacks aimed at those who do not believe what you believe.

I feel that if a true debate were to happen, regardless of the topic (religion, politics, NFL, best TV show, etc), there are only two possible outcomes that would occur.

1) When presented the beliefs of the opposite side, your existing personal beliefs will only seem truer to you as a result of seeing why you don't believe/agree with the opposite side


2) When presented the beliefs of the opposite side, your eyes/heart/mind will be opened and you will see that your existing personal beliefs were way off.

Personally, I feel that if either of those options to you then one is better off as a human being. But this can only happen in a healthy debate. If the debate gets personal and becomes an argument, each side will only become pissed off and will feel that their beliefs are stronger and truer to them but that is only because they are so angry at the opposite side that they will do anything in their power to not associate with them.

I believe that debate is one of the purest forms of education. Debate is truly meant to elevate and enlighten us.

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