Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Update on my German class....

So, right now in German we are working on the chapter that covers describing houses, apartments, flats and furniture that is inside them. We are learning how to describe the size, the color, how old or new it is, how expensive it is, and how to give our opinion of the building and whether it pleases us or not. To be honest, this chapter is not the most important chapter for us study abroad students by any means since we are only here for 4 months. But for the rest of the people in the class who have just moved here to Austria, this is definitely one of the more important chapters for them. So I am just going to suck it up for this week or so and work with the rest of the class in order to help them become better suited for life and Austria.

Here are some examples of what we are learning in this chapter:

Das Haus ist sehr groß und hat zwei Zimmer, eine große Küche und einen Balkon.
---In English= The house is very large and has two rooms, a big kitchen, and a balcony.
Das Haus ist modern, hell und es gefällt mir.
--In English=
The house is modern, bright and I like it.
Die Wohnung kostet 500 Euro pro Monat.
---In English= The apartment costs 500 Euro a month.

The next chapter is going to teach us how to tell time the proper way and how to make plans, so you know I will be ready for that when it comes!!!

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